Reception 2 - Willow Class

Reception 2 - Willow Class

Welcome to Reception Class – Willow

In Reception, the children make the exciting and important start to school. We encourage the children’s independence and enjoy learning both through focussed tasks and structured play. Each half term we focus on a different theme to engage the children and to encourage a love of learning and curiosity about the world around them.  We will send you the details of our theme plan every half term so that you will know what your child is learning. We value working with parents as partners and really appreciate your support with your child’s homework and reading.   

Homework -The children will have a reading book which they will need to bring to school every day.  We also send home key words for the children to learn to read and spell with you.   

P.E. – The children are to bring their fully labelled P.E. kits into school at the start of each half term in a named bag.

Snack - Toast can be purchased through SCOPay at a cost of £1 a week. 

If you have any concerns or worries, please do not hesitate to contact school.  We can be contacted through the Class Dojo.   

Thank you

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