Golden Rules
All children are introduced and reminded of our five golden rules. These form the basis of all expected behaviour in school and are presented as follows:
At Coppull Primary School:-
1. We respect one another.
2. We respect our own and other people’s property
3. We listen when someone is speaking
4. We do what we are asked to do
5. We keep hands and feet to ourselves
The rules are displayed in golden frames around school and in all classes. When a child is demonstrating poor behaviour or attitude, the member of staff dealing with the situation is expected to point out which of the five golden rules are being broken.
Behaviour Policy September 2021
Updated behaviour policy - September 2021
We believe children who leave Coppull Primary should be well prepared for their future lives and hold happy memories of their time here. We focus on providing high quality teaching across all year groups to target accelerated progress for all pupils in order to raise attainment. We aim to provide life experiences through trips, visitors, clubs and competitions to enhance and support the work undertaken across the curriculum. We are committed to providing high quality support for children so that they come to school ready to learn.
School ethos
· At Coppull Primary we aim to generate a positive ethos, presenting our school as welcoming and attractive with an air of purposefulness and well-being amongst adults and children.
· We believe that within a secure, relaxed but well ordered environment, each individual is able to develop personally, and part of a community, with both rights and responsibilities.
· We feel it is essential to promote high, but nevertheless realistic expectations.
· We promote a sensitivity to the needs of others and attach importance to the careful transmission of positive values.
Equal opportunities
· Each member of the school community is given an equal opportunity, regardless of gender, race, creed, cultural or social background, to achieve his/her potential, including any provision to cater for special educational needs and disabilities.
· All members of staff are valued as a key resource. The professional development of all staff is a key issue in helping raise children’s achievements, and training is supported and encouraged for all categories of staff.
Children’s learning
· At Coppull Primary School and Nursery we seek to develop the whole child - intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and morally allowing that each child learns in different ways and at different paces.
· We place importance on first hand experience and building on the child’s own experiences.
· Learning should be relevant, in a meaningful context, and enjoyable.
· We seek to match work carefully to each child’s stage of development, through continuously assessing each child’s achievements and potential.
· Every child is given full and equal access to the National Curriculum through carefully planned curriculum policies and schemes of work.
· We believe each child has the right to experience success and to develop a good self image with positive self esteem. We try to avoid situations that lead to failure.
Home and School
· We place great emphasis on building effective partnerships between home and school, based on trust, understanding and confidence.
· We see parents as the first educators of their child.
· We greatly value the contributions that parents have to make both in the education of their own child, and also in the general life of the school.
· We aim to create many opportunities for parents to be informed about school policies, and the progress and welfare of their child.
· We encourage parents to communicate any concerns to the class teacher using Class Dojo or by arranging a mutually convenient time.
· We place great importance upon fostering good behaviour amongst all pupils.
· We promote a system of positive reinforcements, where we seek to encourage and reward good behaviour and achievement through a system of rewards and merits.
· We are alert to the possibility of bullying and deal with any reported incidents swiftly and effectively.
· We use an online system CPOMS to monitor behaviour. All staff record incidents of misbehaviours in addition to any safeguarding concerns.
All children are introduced to and reminded of our five golden rules. These form the basis of all expected behaviour in school and are presented as follows:
At Coppull Primary School and Nursery:-
1. We respect one another
2. We respect our own and other people’s property
3. We listen when someone is speaking
4. We do what we are asked to do
5. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves
The rules are displayed in golden frames around school and in all classes. When a child is demonstrating poor behaviour or attitude, the member of staff dealing with the situation is expected to point out which of the five golden rules are being broken.
1. Developing the self-esteem of all members within our school community.
2. Maintaining consistent and high expectations for good behaviour.
3. Providing orderly, well managed school and classroom environments where children feel safe and secure.
4. Providing a differentiated curriculum matched to pupils’ needs and abilities.
5. Providing appropriate levels of quality supervision.
6. Rewarding good behaviour in all contexts.
7. Modelling appropriate communication with one another.
8. Exercising our ‘Duty of Care’.
9. Allowing pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour.
10. Using the SEAL/PSHE curriculum and circle time.
11. Developing home/school links.
12. Liaise with outside agencies to promote good behaviour in the wider community.
13. Regular checks are made to ensure that the basic needs of the children are met.
1. Verbal praise and non-verbal signals e.g. thumbs up, smiling
2. Acknowledging the everyday well behaved children through the Good to be Green programme.
· Golden Time is awarded to children who stay on green for the whole week (30 minutes) or receive only one yellow (15 minutes). Children and staff have collated a range of exciting and motivational activities for the children to choose from. Key Stage 2 children then choose the activity that they wish to take part in as an individual across school and EYFS and Key Stage 1 children choose form within class. (Due to Covid-19 and the use of bubbles – classes are limited to their own rewards at the current time)
· Children who stay on green for the entire week place their good to be green card into a box as they enter the hall for celebration assembly. A card is then drawn during assembly from each key stage and a small prize awarded to the winners. (Due to COVID -19, whole school assemblies are not permitted, therefore rewards are given in class instead).
· Children who remain on green for a half term earn a group reward, for example additional time on the field to play sports games or a visit from the ice-cream van.
3. Stars and stickers
4. Individual class rewards systems.
5. Housepoints are awarded for good work or behaviour.
· These are collected and counted by class teachers and children are awarded individual certificates as follows: Bronze – 100, Double Bronze – 200, Silver –300, Double Silver – 400, Gold – 500, Double Gold - 600
· House points are also totalled on a weekly basis by class teachers. Each of the four houses compete to earn a non-uniform day for their house for the most house points each term.
6. Pupils celebrate their achievements with other classes and with subject leaders and senior leadership team.
7. Focus behaviours such as good manners week are rewarded by all staff by way of a raffle ticket scheme.
8. Celebration assemblies to which parents are invited. Certificates are presented for good work and good behaviour. Certificates are awarded for: Values, Merit, Reading and Curriculum. (These certificated are currently given out in class)
9. Additional privileges can be earned e.g. 5 minutes extra playtime for a class that has worked particularly well, achieved Eco-Class of the Week or the Best Class Attendance Certificate.
10. Each half term cups are presented as listed :-
· Merit cup - for being a good helper, for being kind and a good friend.
· Endeavour cup - for trying hard and doing your best.
· Cheerful enthusiasm - for being keen and enthusiastic and always having a cheery approach to any task given.
· SEAL cup – for someone who has demonstrated the school’s values.
· Sports award for sporting excellence or effort.
· Working Hard and Playing Fair Award for all round good attitude to school.
· Knowledge cup – to celebrate learning in any or all of the curriculum areas
· Values cup – for upholding the current school values
11. At the end of the school year all leavers are presented with the achievement cup is awarded to a pupil to reward excellent progress or attainment. There are also two Leavers Cups, these are presented to children for consistent good behaviour and hard work throughout their time at Coppull Primary School. Parents are invited to this Leavers Assembly
12. Values tokens are given out by all staff members to reward children for displaying the value of that half term e.g. respect, honesty or friendship. All children who have received a token receive a certificate in a values assembly each half term.
Underpinning principles
· Give the child time to calm down.
· Give children time to explain.
· Give children choices and calm space to enable them to self-regulate and make the right choice.
· Go for win-win.
· Have a stepped approach, and let the person who is dealing with the problem get on with it without others getting involved.
· Separate the behaviour from the person.
· It should always be made explicit that any action taken as a result of inappropriate behaviour will be time limited and that a fresh start will always be given.
· Any responses to be certain and predictable.
· Be fair and consistent – the behaviour is dealt with consistently whoever the child is
· Be calm- otherwise pass on to someone else to deal with – it is acceptable to withdraw and pass it on.
· Be non –judgemental.
· Adults need to model good behaviour.
· Use judgement on when to intervene to prevent a situation escalating.
· Be assertive not aggressive.
· Don’t take issues personally and don’t make the consequence personal.
· Recognise if children take responsibility for their actions.
· Avoid focusing on secondary behaviours e.g. “look at me when I’m talking to you”
· Be reflective and eliminate issues that could precipitate poor behaviour.
1. Adopt an approach whereby the teacher sets a limited menu of positive choices from which the pupils must choose
2. Alternatively point out the consequences of making positive or negative choices with different outcomes. This gives the child to reflect and make the right choice
3. Allow the child time reflect and process
1. Low key- non hierarchical techniques
a. Tactically ignoring the behaviour to lessen the impact
b. Praise pupil for correct behaviour
2. Non verbal understood signals
a. Eye contact and praise when confirmed
b. E.g. point to good sitting sign
3. Positive casual
4. Proximity – walk up near to where the behaviour is showing concern
5. Positive modelling
6. Rule reminder
7. Name, pause, direction
8. Redirection – refocus child on expected/ required behaviour
9. Modelling ignoring poor behaviour
Good to be Green
- All classes display a good to be green chart in a prominent position. All children’s names are displayed and are accessible to the children.
- All children begin the day on green.
- Low level behaviour is dealt with by way of a warning from the class teacher or teaching assistant.
- Yellow warning: If problem behaviour persists then the child’s receives a yellow warning (or they are removed from green). If the problem persists, the child receives a yellow card and is then removed from the situation by continuing their work on the carpet or at a different table. (10 or 20 mins). A yellow card also means that the child spends 10 minutes in the reflection room.
- If no further problems are encountered then at lunchtime (am) or end of day (pm) the child’s name is returned to green.
- If a child on yellow continues to misbehave then a red warning can be given and then ultimately the child may be moved to red. At this point the child is sent to a partner class and will receive 20 minutes in the reflection room as a sanction.
- If a child receives a red card then their name is recorded on file and parents receive a red slip. The slip includes details about the nature of the behaviour incident and how they can resolve the situation (these vary from class to class).
- The child’s name is placed back on green at the end of the lesson (EYFS and KS1), lunch time (Lower KS2) or at the end of the day (Upper KS2).
- If a child continues to be disruptive in the partner class, they are then sent to either Miss Todhunter or Mrs Cooper then to Miss Parkinson. Children are only sent to the Mr Chambers as a last resort or ultimate sanction.
- If a child receives 3 red cards, then they spend a day in isolation, away from their classmates with a member of staff 1:1.
*Exceptions are made for low level disruption for children on Individual Behaviour Plans or those children who use PECS or TEACCH strategies.
Stepped approach for children on red
Child works in a partner class, class work needs to be completed
Child works with Mrs Cooper/Miss Todhunter
Child works with Miss Parkinson
Child works with Mr Chambers
Partner Classes
Rowan and Willow
Oak, Elm and Pear
Maple and Beech
Cedar, Cypress and Sycamore
1. No adult working in school is allowed to administer any form of physical punishment or to physically manhandle a child. This is a statutory regulation.
Please also see the LCC and Governors’ policy on the Care and Control of Pupils.
2. Excessive use of verbal reprimand/shouting by an adult directed at a child can in the law be deemed as abuse and formally proceedings can be instigated if a complaint is made.
3. Where inappropriate behaviour repeatedly causes concern and is not modified by any of the above strategies, staff need to work with the SLT to produce an IBP (individual behaviour plan), if the problem persists then further referrals will be made in consultation with parents.
Exclusion/outside agencies
1) Some behaviour causes concern and is not modified by any of the above strategies. This may result in implementing the Lancashire County Council Exclusion Policy and/or involving outside agencies as appropriate. The school will work closely with parents to seek help and advice for their child.
2) Exclusion
· For the most serious incidents the child can be given a fixed term exclusion in line with LCC policy. Parents are contacted immediately and the incident and exclusion explained verbally, as well as the parent being given the relevant LCC documentation and letter of exclusion. Records are put in place following LCC guidelines.
· On return to school following an exclusion the child is interviewed with parents and ground rules for re-admission agreed, to enable the child to understand the very serious nature of exclusion and that it is not to be taken lightly.
· Permanent Exclusion following LCC guidelines can be used for the most serious offences where fixed term exclusions and interventions by appropriate agencies are having no impact.
3) Involving outside agencies
It may be necessary to liaise with parents and as appropriate make referrals to outside agencies. This could include:-
· Children and Family Wellbeing Service
· Family Support
· Educational Psychologist
· Golden Hill Short Stay School
· CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
· School Medical Service
· Attendance Officers
· Children’s Social Care
Parents will be put in touch with the appropriate services which offer support to parents such as:-
· Lancashire IAS team
· Lancashire County Council SENLOs (Special Educational Needs Liaison Officers)
· Attendance Offices
Good to be Green - Stepped approach